Contact Information

There are several ways to contact me:

  1. I'm on usenet. I've posted a general Bold 9900 message in and lurk in alt.cellular-phone-tech and several other groups, mostly related to Slackware and Debian GNU/Linux. My username is Visiblink.

    To sign up for a free usenet account, visit

    Claws Mail is a good usenet application for Linux and Windows. NewsGroup Reader works well on Android and BlackBerry 10. I know of no client for BBOS.

  2. I'm also on CrackBerry. My username there is Shuswap and you can usually find me answering questions in the Bold 9900 forum.
This site is not the author of the Shuswap, the owner of the site is a Blackberry fans and are using the Bold 9930. I sincerely thank the author of The Bold Explorer official.
This is a backup site. If there are issues with content copyright from the author, I will delete the blog immediately.