How to make the BlackBerry Browser work on a Regular (Non-BIS) Data Plan
You should back up your device and apps. There is a step at which you could erase a lot of important stuff!
- You can back up your phone settings and some data using BlackBerry Desktop.
- You can back up your third-party apps (including the OTA apps) using BlackBerry Swiss Army Knife.
- Before beginning, make sure to set your APN. The instructions are on the introduction page.
The process
1. You need to have BlackBerry Desktop installed on your computer. If you don’t have it, get it: BlackBerry Desktop.
2. Download the Anworm service books here. If that link breaks, search for "Browser_via_TCP_all_network_beta_V1.1.ipd" and you should be able to find them.
3. Connect your BlackBerry device to your computer with a USB cable. If BlackBerry Desktop does not start automatically, start it.
4. On your BlackBerry, go to Options > Device > Advanced System Settings > Service Book.
5. Hold down the “Alt” key and press S B E B. You should see a message that says, “Legacy SB Restore Enabled.” Press Okay.
6. On your computer, in BlackBerry Desktop, go to Device > Restore.
7. Press “Change” and navigate to the folder with Browser_via_TCP_all_network_beta_V1.1.ipd file in it. Press “OK.” You should now see the file “Browser_via_TCP_all_network_beta_V1.1.ipd” listed in the Restore window.
8. Click on "Browser_via_TCP_all_network_beta_V1.1.ipd" to select it.
9. Under the heading “Select Data to Restore” select “Select Device Data and Settings” and then tick the box for “Service Book”.
Step #9 is really important. Make sure it's done right. If you screw it up you could end up wiping a lot of settings and data, but then, that’s why you did the backup, right?
10. Press “Restore” and answer “Yes” to the confirmation dialogue.
You’re done. Your browser should work over your cellular data connection. There is no need to reboot the device in order for the new service books to take effect.
Important Note: If you have problems, you can use BlackBerry Desktop to restore just the service books from the backup you made using the BlackBerry Desktop software before beginning. The procedure is almost identical to the one above (on step 8, use your backup file instead of Browser_via_TCP_all_network_beta_V1.1.ipd, and on Step 9, tick only the box for service books).